How To Trace onto Cookies without a Projector

Trace onto cookies-03.jpg

Adding text and intricate details onto cookies is something that takes lots of practice and, most of the time, a projector to ensure everything is perfect. But a projector is a big investment, especially if cookie decorating is just something you do for fun.

Thankfully, I learned a trick years ago, before I bought my first projector, that helped me make sure any text or specific shapes were perfectly piped onto my cookie.

Here’s how to trace onto a cookie without a projector!

You will need:

  • Tissue paper - the kind you would use in gift wrapping

  • A food marker

  • The text or image you want to trace

And that’s it!

It’s actually a really simple process that is so easy! But, it would be better to show you than to try to explain it, so here is a quick video I made of the process.

And if you need additional information on writing on cookies, I have a whole blog post and tutorial video here.

I hope this helps you achieve perfect writing or designs on your cookies without spending money on a projector!

Lindsey RuelComment