How I Preserve and Display My Cookies


If you are a cookier you may have had the same dilema I’ve had over the years:

What to do with the cookies that are too pretty to eat or throw away?

In the past, I have held on to a few special cookies and framed them in shadow boxes. This is a very nice way to save and display them, but as I make more cookies I have to decide whether to replace the ones in the shadow boxes, or buy more frames.

Finally, I found a solution that makes it easier to save cookies without having to reframe old cookies:

Acrylic shelves!

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner, but it has made saving and displaying my cookies even easier! And the clear shelves don’t take anything away from the cookies, so you can see all the beautiful details!

However, adding the shelves added another complication. How should I preserve the cookies to easily display them on a shelf?


When framing them, it was easy to keep them in bags and attach the bagged cookie to the back of the frame. But didn’t I want a bunch of bagged cookies sitting on a shelf. It wouldn’t look bad, but there was probably a solution that would make the cookies even more display-worthy. And I found it through another cookier (@LucieBakes). Resin!

Resin is a liquid that, when mixed with a hardener, cures into a nice smooth, shiny, and hard surface. It perfectly preserves the cookies so they won’t crumble, crack, dry out, fade, etc. Plus, the shiny finish makes them look even better than when they were first decorated!

How I Preserve My Cookies

I made a quick video to show you the process of preserving cookies. It’s a very simple process but does require a few supplies you may not have on hand.


How To

Once the cookies have been perfectly preserved, they are ready to display!

How I Display My Cookies


I already mentioned that I have added a few acrylic shelves to my wall to display some of my favorite cookies. But that doesn’t mean I have given up on the shadow box frames completely.

For the cookies that hold a special place in my heart, or just would look better framed, I now preserve the cookies in resin first, then mount them in a frame.


How To

First, I cut the mounting paper (I’m using scrapbook paper) to fit the back of the shadow box frame. Then I attach it to the back with some double stick tape and press it down firmly.

Next, I apply a generous amount of hot glue to the back of the preserved cookie (this will not work on a cookie that has not been coated in resin). Then I press the cookie firmly onto the mounting paper and place it back in the frame. Now it’s ready to hang!

Lindsey RuelComment